September 9, 2019
We Tackle Challenging Installation Locations

Ever have one of those days where everything is more challenging than it should be? Our service techs were recently on-site to replace an old Le Roi compressor with a brand new 75hp Sullair. Easy right? Did we mention this compressor had to be installed on a mezzanine approximately 21′ above ground level? Or that it was accessed only by a roll-up door, above a busy bus garage, and also had to clear a sprinkler head and 24″ building HVAC? Lucky we love a challenge! To clear these obstacles, the compressor had to be completely dismantled. The control panel, skid base, air exchanger, and complete structure were removed in preparation for the lift. With the help of the customer management team, and some careful and thorough planning, the install was a complete success and the new compressor was ready for startup within two days!